Fin Soto, a graduating student in Communication Arts from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2024, is a traditional narrative painter and illustrator with a keen appreciation of both commercial and digital applications. Merging classic elements of figures, space, and light, Soto creates captivating compositions that transport viewers into imaginative worlds. Often tying in classic stories of antiquity, with his own highly individualistic vision.
Central to Soto’s work is thoughtful worldbuilding, where historical allegory intertwines with contemporary sensibilities. His pieces serve as immersive narratives, encouraging contemplation on internal dynamics of mental health and insecurity.
Soto’s art is his diary of growth through self-understanding. Reflecting on identity, by often creatively coping with his present personal obstacles.
Fin seeks to continue his educational experience after the completion of his BFA in 2024, hoping to further challenge himself with rigorous and competitive programs to further his understanding of the natural world through Drawing and Painting. All in hopes to sharpen the sight and hand necessary to tell more compelling stories.